This website

Written on Sat Jan 20 2024

This is like the third time I've tried making something like this

My website logo

So I’ve tried making this website like 3 times now

Yeah… Every time I’ve tried, I’ve lost motivation - When you’re learning a new framework, it’s pretty easy to become overwhelmed. In the past, when I was first learning Astro, I would fork a pre-made astro template, and try to modify it to suit my needs. Quite frankly, that sucked. Being thrown into the thick of the framework and trying to find the part I wanted to modify quickly drained my motivation to learn. But this time I did something different.

“So what did you do differently?”

, I asked myself in the third person. Well first off, instead of trying to modify an already finished product, I started following the tutorials listed on Astro’s website. This made the process of figuring out what was going on IMMENSELY easier, as progressively exposing the features of the framework helped me build an understanding of the different concepts and paradigms within Astro.


  • Astro is a pretty cool framework. If I were asked by someone to build a site for them, and it was mainly static content, I think I’d probably choose Astro
  • Similarly, I’m probably going use Tailwind for css stuff also
  • Before working with Astro, I didn’t realize how much I relied on <div> elements when working with React. This was a pretty good exercise in refreshing myself with the base HTML elements